More than a yoga studio, this is yoga as ritual.
We empower you to discover the magic
within you and embody your highest self!
Every Class Includes:
· Intention Setting
· Meditation & Pranayama
· Custom Yoga Flow
· Savasana Final Release
Choose A Class
Classes are held daily and focused on the mind, body & spirit. Increase joy, strength, flexibility & compassion.
Setup Your Space
Create the mood & roll out your mat and position your laptop, tablet or phone next to your mat.
Begin Your Practice
Log into your digital class with one click and be welcomed by your online yoga instructor.
Benefits Of Live
Online Private Yoga
In The Privacy Of Your Own Space
You Choose The Time That's Right
Positive Affirmation Meditations
Encouragement, Goal Setting, Accountability

Enjoy a curated yoga experience designed just for you, on your schedule and desired location. We will help you set intentions and a personalized plan for your yoga practice. You will be guided with compassion, encouragement and accountability each step of the journey as you improve your health and expand joy through yoga. Whether you are a beginner or seeking to deepen your yoga practice, private online yoga is truly transformational! We have the ability to connect no matter where you are, and record our sessions to review and practice later.

Experience The Magic
EYE AM Yoga utilizes a powerful alchemy of ancient technologies and modern science to unify the mental, emotional, physical and potential aspects of Self. This unique formula is anchored in tantric philosophy: the knowing that ALL IS DIVINE. As we breathe, expand compassion, explore asanas and release all that does not serve us, we tap into the flow of divine source energy. Through this embodiment we are guided out of the mind and into feeling, surrendering to our higher self beyond the ego.
EYE AM Yoga is an exploration of the subtle energies within the body and their connection to your life as a whole. With the intimacy of one on one sessions and the application of the Trinity of Awareness (see below), you will be given the opportunity to transform all aspects of self into an empowered, healthy & joyful state of being.

The Trinity Of Awareness

Rhythm Of Breath
As we bring our conscious awareness to the rhythm of our breath, we cultivate a deeper presence to our internal experience. We breathe deeply and rhythmically, balancing our nervous systems, releasing toxins, and expanding compassion and relaxation within. Even through challenging or uncomfortable postures, rhythmic breath reminds us to stay present with the sensations and release physical and mental tension.

Feel Compassion
Cultivating gratitude, affection and compassion within is fundamental to improving our mental, emotional and physical well being. We begin our yoga practice with the intention of opening our hearts to feeling compassion, which creates an experience of self love and joy throughout our flow. The practice of embodying unconditional love will expand into our daily lives, empowering us to share this vibration with everyone around us.

Release & Relax
This is our time to melt into the blissful present moment, and relax into the knowing that we are exactly where we need to be. We feel the softness of our precious body on the earth, surrendering and releasing all that does not serve. Through this mindfulness practice, our nervous system strengthens, vitality increases, and our hearts open up into the Power of Now.

Yoga is the magic that has brought me back to LOVING my body, honoring its wisdom, and releasing limiting beliefs and emotions to call forth the freedom and joy of my FULL self expression.
- Alisa Marie, Founding Ambassador
A Message From the Heart
On the physical level, the heart pulses blood through our veins, which creates circulation and provides nutrients to the body.
On the spiritual and emotional level, by using the EYE AM Yoga methodologies, we become empowered to expand and circulate Love through our entire being.
The frequency of our heart has the power to heal all aspects within, from physical dis-ease, to mental and emotional imbalances, and create harmony in the mind, body, and spirit.
For me, the practice of yoga has been the truest medicine: a doorway to Self Love, Acceptance, experiencing Joy & Pleasure, and FULLY embracing this human life!
Open your heart and receive the deep wisdom inside…
You have the choice now, to choose Love. You deserve this gift!

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